

Raspberry Pi WiFi Access Point

Have a Router which is not WiFi capable? Want to add another access point to your network for longer WiFi range?

You can do this with a Raspberry Pi and OpenWRT!

This method is tested with a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. But it should work with any Raspberry Pi.


Step 1: Download the factory image for your Raspberry Pi.

Step 2: Flash the downloaded image on your Micro-SD Card using the Raspberry Pi Imager.

Step 3: Insert the Micro-SD into your Raspberry Pi and power it on.

Step 4: Attach the Raspberry Pi to your computer via Ethernet.

Step 5: Change your computer's network settings to the following:


Step 6: Access the WebInterface of your OpenWRT installation with your browser.

It will be on

Step 7: Perform your first login. Password is empty.

User: "root"

Pass: " "

Change the password as soon as possible!

Step 8: Navigate to "Network ---> Interfaces" and edit the LAN interface.

Here you can change the IPv4 address of your WiFi AP. Make sure it is in the same IP-Range as your main router. Set the IPv4 of your main router as gateway.

Step 9: Disable DHCP in "Network ---> Interfaces". Enable the "Ignore Interface" option in the DHCP settings.

Now, click on "Save and apply" or "Apply unchecked".

Step 10: Attach the Raspberry Pi to your your router or switch via Ethernet.

After you reverted the network setting you applied in step 5, the OpenWRT WebInterface will now be available on the address you gave it in step 8.

Step 11: Access the new IPv4 of the Raspberry Pi in your browser and log in.

Step 12: Navigate to "Network ---> Wireless" and enable, or edit and enable the ESSID. Here you can also change the WiFi name that will show up on clients, aswell as the WiFi Encryption/Password.

Please make sure to do this, otherwise no one will require a password, to connect to your network.

Step 13: Connect to the WiFi!
