

Updating / Installing / Uninstalling Packages

Keeping your System up-to-date

Debian-Based Systems

1. Updating Package-Repositories

  # apt update

2. Upgrading Packages

  # apt full-upgrade

Arch-Based Systems

  # pacman -Syu

Updating packages from the AUR:

  # yay

RedHat-Based Systems

  # yum update

Gentoo-Based Systems

  # emerge --sync && emerge -avuDN @world

Slackware-Based Systems

1. Updating Package-Repositories

  # slackpkg update


  # flatpak update

Installing packages / programs

Debian-Based Systems

  # apt install package_name

Arch-Based Systems

  # pacman -S package_name

or from the Arch User Repository ( AUR )

  # yay package_name

RedHat-Based Systems

  # dnf install package_name

Gentoo-Based Systems

  # emerge package_name

Slackware-Based Systems

After you downloaded the package, navigate to its location using "cd", then enter the following command:

  # installpkg package-name.txz


  # snap install package_name


1. Install the package

  # flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.example.example

1. Run it for the first time. After that it will appear in your GUI-Menu

  # flatpak run flathub org.freedesktop.example.example

Debian packages

1. Download it.

2. Navigate to the package location. Probably /Downloads.

  # cd /home/user/Downloads

3. Execute it. ( "./" means executing )

  # apt install ./package_name.deb

Uninstalling packages

Debian-Based Systems

  # apt --purge remove example-package

After removing a package, you can also use the apt autoremove command to remove any dependencies that were installed along with the package but are no longer needed. This helps to clean up your system:

  # apt autoremove

Arch-Based Systems

  # pacman -R package_name

RedHat-Based Systems

  # dnf remove package-name

dnf will take care of removing dependencies that are no longer required after the uninstallation.

Gentoo-Based Systems

1. Uninstalling the package:

  # emerge --unmerge example

2. Good practice: Clean up any orphaned dependencies using the following command:

  # emerge --depclean

Slackware-Based Systems

After you downloaded the package, navigate to its location using "cd", then enter the following command:

  # removepkg package-name.txz


  # snap remove package_name


  # flatpak uninstall flathub org.freedesktop.example.example
