

dotnet new console

In VScode, there is not a button for creating a new C#-Project, we have to use the console. You need to have a .NET SDK installed on your system.

According to Microsoft, this applies to .NET Core 3.1 SDK and later versions.

There are many different options when using this command to create a new project.

Quick Overview:

  dotnet new "TEMPLATE" [--dry-run] [--force] [-lang|--language {"C#"|"F#"|VB}]
    [-n|--name "OUTPUT_NAME"] [-f|--framework "FRAMEWORK"] [--no-update-check]
    [-o|--output "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"] [--project "PROJECT_PATH"]
    [-d|--diagnostics] [--verbosity "LEVEL"] [Template options]

    dotnet new -h|--help
